Jessica Jarrett
I am an accidental crunchy mama of three boys, and I find myself becoming more crunchy every day. I started using young living when I was pregnant with my first child, to help with some of the typical pregnancy complaints. All it took was one use for me to become a believer in the effectiveness of essential oils.
I use amber teething jewelry on my kids, co-sleep, breast feed, baby wear and we are doing baby lead weaning. Most of these I had no intention of doing until ...I did. Of course, like with everything, I researched (and researched, and researched...) the options and found what worked best for my family.​

I am a true geek. I love Dr. Who, Haan Solo was one of my childhood crushes, and Sheldon is the character I most identify with on Big Bang Theory. One of my husband's nicknames for me is 'Data' (my favorite character from Star Trek) because I love to know things.
​Being a wife and mom are my greatest joys in life. My husband works very hard so I can stay at home with our boys. Being a WAHM has its challenges, but I wouldn't trade this time with my children for anything.
I have a BA in communications from Oklahoma Wesleyan University. My "real job" is being a designer / social media coordinator. I'm fortunate to be able to do both of my jobs (being a designer and a Young Living Independent Distributor) whenever, wherever I am.
As with my 'crunchy' tendencies, I never saw it coming, but I am on a strict no grain, no sugar diet for the rest of my life. (My inner fat girl and bread lover really hates that last sentence.) in 2018, after the birth of my second son, I suffered some health complications that were thought to be cancer. After thousands of prayers, time and a second opinion, it was determined I didn't have cancer. That was a huge relief. Instead, we found out I had not one, but many issues, including an intolerance to grains, serious inflammation, and I was pre-diabetic bordering on being diabetic.
I was put on my strict diet and told that I could either make these drastic changes in my life and live to old age, or continue as I was and not see my children grow up. I chose the obvious, and made the changes.
It has been about over two years since I had my last cinnamon roll, and while I will never not miss a good roll, I will never go back. I am healthier than I ever have been. I have lost about 90 lbs since then, and SURPRISE... I got pregnant... TWICE. Being diagnosed as infertile and having to do IVF for my first two boys, this was a true miracle.
My first surprise baby is now a year old and I am pregnant with surprise baby #2, due March 2021.
Become a Member
Signing up is easy. Click the link in the blue box above and follow the steps. If you need instructions, you can go HERE for a bit of a guide.
When you are filling out your membership form, the member ID and enroller ID should be filled out already. If it is not, please use the number 1985526.
Get Scanned!
As a member of my downline, I am offering ZYTO and iTOVi scans to you and members of your household for FREE.
Biocommunication scan is a quick and painless scan that measures your body's response to stimuli. (specifically GSR) Your results can be emailed to you and you can use the results to help you choose the best options for you as you pursue optimal health and wellness.

In addition to getting to know your body better via the available scans, my goal is to educate my downline on the proper usage of essential oils. I will do this through recommended resources, conversations and picking the brain of people who know much more than I on the topic. Beyond essential oils and other YL products, I want my downline to live their best lives, taking steps for optimal health and wellness. This is achieved through your diet, activity level and mental state. I want to help support you as you discover how great life can be when your body functions at optimal levels on all fronts.