*I wrote this on my old blog a few years ago.*

Once upon a time I was the cosmetics and hair care product queen. I had drawers full of half used bottles. I was constantly trying something new and exciting, promising to give me that look I was wanting. Even if I didn't love the product, I couldn't let myself throw it out - you never know when you might need it!
Since switching to a more streamlined approach to my beauty routine, using essential oils, I no longer have that issue. There are a couple of products I keep for those few times a year I need them, but most of my products in my routine are hand made. Not only does this give me a huge sense of satisfaction, but I actually USE my creations. No more product graveyard in the bathroom. This approach also saves me a lot of money in the long run.
One of my new favorite DIY's is my Detangler spray. I have semi-curly long hair that loves to knot and tangle. I really try to take good care of it, and have pretty much stopped brushing it. I use a wide tooth comb on it before and after showering and I rarely blow it dry. Heat styling, which was a daily thing in the past, is now only done once or twice a week. I learned a long time ago that the trick to helping to reduce split ends and dry hair is to only wash the roots, not the shaft or the ends of the hair, and to only condition from the ends to mid-shaft. Yes, that means that I have not actually washed the ends of my hair directly in a couple of years.
Back to the spray. I love this spray. It not only helps me to get those tangles out, but it nourishes my hair and helps to give it a really healthy glow. I have had my hair color treated recently and so I have taken extra steps to help it recover. Even with my thick hair, it doesn't take a lot of spray to work, a little goes a long way.
My Recipe
Glass Spray Bottle
Cedarwood Essential Oil (Or any oil of your choice)
Distilled Water
Pour conditioner into your glass bottle, filling it a little less than half way**. Add about 10-15 drops Essential oil to the conditioner. I use Levender and Cedarwood for mine. Fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water, put on spray lid and shake well.
**The Young Living conditioner is AMAZING and super thick. I usually dilute mine to about a 60% conditioner, 40% distilled water ratio as soon as I get a new bottle. This makes the product last longer and also makes the conditioner very affordable. Because of that, if you are using undiluted YL conditioner, I would use less in this recipe. As a side note, I also dilute my YL shampoo. I have an old foaming hand soap bottle that I fill about 50/50 with shampoo and distilled water. It still cleans really well.
~Jessica & the Genesis Wellness Team
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