You just got happy mail! The Young Living logo is staring at you from that cardboard box, and you can't wait to rip it open. Go ahead, get into it, but check out this post first, so you can get the most out of your kit from the first second. Start your first experience with your new investment off on the right foot.
First, you should already have a visible storage area for your oils, and you should know where you are going to put your diffuser. (Check out this post about prepping for your kit.)
What you will find in your kit
Essential Oils
Samples of other products
Get into it
Open your box and let your eyes enjoy the beautiful packaging (I appreciate good design). After you are through gawking at how pretty it is, take everything out of the box.
Resist the urge to toss the paperwork aside. You should actually start reading this ASAP. You will never know how to use your oils if you do not educate yourself. You don't have to study these resources carefully right now, but at least glance them over and plan to come back to them later.
Open your box of oils. Choose one and open it and smell it. If you have never used essential oils before, a good way to start is by simply opening a bottle and inhaling the scent. Start smelling these oils one at a time. Pay attention to how they make you feel. Does this oil have a deep, lower smell, or does it have more of a higher, brighter smell? (This is actually a thing. I will have to write a post about the scent notes soon.)
Get your diffuser out and plug it in. Read the instructions to make sure you know how to use it. Choose an oil or two you want to diffuse and put a total of 6 drops of oil into your diffuser. Add water to the fill line and start diffusing. If you have animals in your home, they are not going to be harmed by essential oils as long as you practice safety. Any time you are diffusing, you need to make sure they have the ability to leave the room if they need to.
Under your essential oils is a super neat 'hidden' area. Lift the oils packaging out and this is where you will find the rest of the products in the kit.
Take out the stress away oil and smell it. (This is one of my favorite oils.) Put a drop on your wrists and then one on the palm of your hand. Cup your hand over your nose and mouth and take a deep breath. Take in that calming oil and feel your body start to relax. Do this a couple of times and then run your hands on the back of your neck to get some oil there.
You will find a black lid and a metal roller bottle top. You can put the roller top on the stress away if you want. I have one bottle with a roller on it, and one that I use to diffuse. If I had only one bottle of the stuff, I would probably not put the roller top on it. I would leave the current reducer top on it so it can be used for both topical application and diffusing.
Get those two NingXia samples in the fridge. They are awesome, but are best served cold. When you use them, shake them up really well before drinking.
With a Wholesale membership, you always have a business in your back pocket. There is no pressure to build a business, but if you are interested in the income opportunity, read more about it here. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have.
Make a commitment
You have just invested in a better, cleaner, safer line products for almost everything you can think of for your household cleaning, personal care, health & wellness needs. It is different than you are used to. It may take some time before you are confident with using these new products. That's ok. Make a commitment to using them every day. Find some diffusing recipes and get your diffuser going every day. Find some DIY recipes and make something your family can use to ditch and switch.
The very best products in the world will not work unless you are using them. These are powerful tools you have at your disposal, and you should not take that for granted. Educate yourself on how to use the products. Do your own reading, and attend classes we offer. You should already be a part of our product education facebook groups. (If not, let us know and you will be added.)
Do not be scared of your new oil collection. Use it. Learn about it. Love it.
Some general safety and usage tips
You will want to store your oils in a cool place, out of direct sunshine. They are in amber bottles, so they do not need to be stored in a dark place, but putting them in a window might not be the best idea. Sun rays can damage essential oils, and rob them of their scents and wellness properties.
Glass containers are ALWAYS best when making any DIY. Small mason jars make great containers for lotions, etc. You can get some BPA plastic options, but even these will absorb essential oils and cause your custom creation to lose properties over time. If you are going to use it really quickly, it's not a big deal. If this is something that will be more slowly used up, go ahead and opt for glass.
When deciding where to store your oils, be sure to consider kids and pets that may be in the home. Essential oils are safe for kids and even pets, but caution and common sense needs to be exercised.
Make you oils go farther and work better by diluting them. All roller ball creations should be diluted with carrier oil because it is going to be applied directly to the skin. Do a small test patch to make sure you are not going to react to the carrier oil or any of the essential oils in the recipe. If you do experience a burning sensation beau of a hot oil, etc. put oil on it. Do not try to wash off with water. This will only spread the essential oil.
Some essential oils are photosensitive. These include all citrus oils. If you are going to be out in the sun for long periods of time, or if you burn easily, do not put citrus oils on your skin before going outside.