You are thinking about joining Young Living, or you have just signed up, and you are wondering what the company you joined is all about. Yes, there are the oils, but what about the company? What about the 'man behind the curtain' so to speak. What goes into the engine that runs this thing? I have attempted to compile some of the things I think are the most important to know about Young Living. I have linked to many other articles or resources instead of making this post into a whole book.
Let's start at the very beginning.
Young Living was founded by Gary Young in 1993. For 25 years, he and his wife, Mary ran and were closely involved with the daily operations of the company. His vision of a company based on core values and integrity resulted in the Seed to Seal guarantee we know and love today. He passed away last year, but Mary is continuing his legacy and the company is committed to the same standards he instilled.
Young Living is now a global company. It gives back through many organizations, including the Young Living Foundation.
The one and only
The company and oils I am talking about in this post are YOUNG LIVING oils. They are the brand I know and trust. I wouldn't suggest using any other brand.
NEVER Buy Essential Oils from third party sites.
There is never a reason to buy anywhere but directly from Young Living. If you do not want a wholesale membership, you can always sign up for a retail account. This is literally like having an account at any online retailer.
If a distributor is selling on Amazon, they are going against the policies and procedures of Young Living. If anyone is selling them, you are gambling as to the quality of those oils.
Just go to Amazon and search for 'White Tamper Evident Essential Oil Bottle Caps.' A package of these and some empty YL bottles of essential oil, and you can turn a bottle into 2 or more.
Why does this matter? Because, you care about quality and integrity. You want to know that the products you are using on your family are 100% pure, unadulterated and therapeutic grade.
I wouldn't buy a designer bag off the back of a truck. If I did, I would expect it to be damaged or knocked off in some way. I don't want to apply or ingest an anything that is knocked off or has additives I don't know about.
Let's get down to business
YL offers many membership benefits, including rewards programs to earn FREE product.
It is the only essential oil company that is approved by the FDA with a special line of Vitality oils and products. Young Living has 26+ years of experience and is the only essential oil company that owns and oversees their own farms.
They've developed 13 worldwide offices, serve 20 different markets, have 16 corporate-owned and partner farms, with over 3,000 employees, providing jobs all over the world through their farms, offices, warehouses, distilleries, and distributors.
As a company, Young Living is committed to sustainability. Organic, Clean, etc. is an understatement.
Yes, It is a multi level marketing (MLM) business
In some cases, some people and some companies have ruined the MLM industry for all of us. If some hear you talk about MLM, they shut down. They equate it with a pyramid scheme. Young Living is NOT a pyramid scheme. There is a huge and fundamental difference between an MLM and a pyramid scheme. Distribution of actual product being one of them. (You really need to read the linked article on this one.)
The income opportunity Young Living provides has impacted families across the globe. Anyone with $165 can start a home business. There is nothing stopping them from reaching the top of the company.
I'm currently listening to a podcast hosted by a Royal Crown Diamond (the highest level you can get to in YL) and she started her business with a very hard earned $165. When she started, she was on food stamps to feed her family.
Not everyone reaches the tippy top, but everyone has that opportunity. With a little patience, and a lot of hard work, a Young Living home business can change your life.
Customer Serivce
I have had to call the YL customer service several times, and I have never hung up frustrated or feeling unheard. The have worked to resolve my issues, or patently explained why what I needed wasn't possible, etc. If I had to rate them I would give 5 stars with no hesitation.
Find out why I LOVE doing what I do. My Young business and the products Young Living offers has truly impacted my life in a measurable way. Read my bio and learn my WHY.
The People
Seriously. I have been to and 'graduated' from Young Living Beauty School, and many other Young Living events. With VERY few exceptions, I have truly enjoyed all the people I have met at these events. Yes, we are all technically in competition for the same markets, but there is a spirit of camaraderie, not competition.
I personally know Diamonds and Royal Crown Diamonds, and they are just normal people. Every one of them I have met truly cares about their downline and wants them to be successful. They want abundance, financial and time freedom for their downline. My personal upline views her business as a mission and uses it to not only spread information about health and wellness, using Young Living as a tool, but she shares about Jesus! I have learned so much from her and her loving and caring nature. I model my own business after the business she has crafted for herself.
I am a part of a facebook group for Executive level members. We are all pushing to get to Silver, and want it BAD. We share ideas and help one another. We build each other up in amazing ways.
I'm sure I failed to mention some vital information and included things that most don't care about, but this is what I think of when I envision the company as a whole. I am thankful I am a part of this company that has a heart. I love the products and have been blessed because of my own home business through them.
There are many essential oil companies out there you can choose. Who you choose truly does matter. Choose wisely, educate yourself and make the decision for you and your family.
If you choose Young Living, you will not regret it. If you choose me and my team, you will get a small part of that Young Living can-do spirit with a dash of love and a sprinkling of fun. I am a part of the Young Living team. Wanna be a part too?
I invite you to learn more about Young Living's income opportunity.
Start something new today and a year from now you can look back in awe at
what you have managed to accomplish.
Continue your education
Check out Young Living's Podcast episode: Essential Oils 101